Tag Archives: Canada

Vancouver City

14 Oct

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAVancouver City. The place to be? It just may be.

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The Inuksuk

7 Oct

In the smalltown of Canmore, Alberta

 One thing you have to love about Travelling is learning about different cultures and their history!
The ‘Inuksuk’ is one of those “culture things” you find in Canada!
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Jones Soda Co.

30 Sep

jones-sodaCalling Dr Jones, Dr Jones wake up now!! 

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We Feel So Lucky!

13 Sep

We just wanted to take time out from our usual blogging to say thank you for your support of our blog, The Twenty Somethings! Every week we’re surprised by the visits we get from around the world.

We’ve had views from *takes a deep breath* Australia, USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Philippines, New Zealand, Netherlands, India, Malaysia, France, Turkey, Italy, South Africa, Slovenia, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Trinidad and Tobago, Ireland, Austria, Greece, Brazil, Singapore, Sweden, Jersey, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Belgium, Estonia, Serbia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Solomon Islands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Bahrain, Indonesia, Lebanon, Finland, Taiwan, Uruguay, Ecuador and Norway.

Now that is a LOT of countries!

Thank you again, we really do appreciate the time you take each week to check out our new posts. You all make us feel so lucky!

Alright, guess it’s time we got back to work!!!

–        Jecca, Chookie & Lights x

Victoria; Page out of History

19 Aug

As you walk down the brick pathway and past the old buildings, how many people have walked down this exact route you have.

This brick pathway been under your feet for hundreds of years and these buildings made before the telephone or car.

As I walk down in my short shorts and singlet top in this sticky summer heat, a woman walked where I am one hundred years ago sweating as she had to wear dresses that covered her ankles appropriately.

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Canada and Australia

15 Jul

Canada & Australia: Taylor Whiteman.
Someone You Should Know

canadian_riot_540As a fourteen year old sitting in Maths class, and dreading the class ahead I was very excited when a new teacher walked in. Then she started talking and suddenly everyone’s attention was on her.
“So where in America are you from?”
Her face. I will never forget and how angry she was.
“I’m Canadian,” she replied and then offered the advice, “Never get the two confused.”

For the rest of the semester I could not understand why she would get so uptight about the language thing… like big whoop. Until I moved overseas… and continuously get mistaken for a New Zealander. Then I get annoyed. It is not that I have anything against Kiwis, but it is weird how you automatically get defensive in another country when someone gets your nationality wrong.

And this leads me to this weeks travel entry.

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TV: North America

15 Jul

North America

images-1Documentaries have never been something that I have been able to sit down and enjoy. Who wants to listen to a male with a deep voice make something very dramatic that is not even dramatic…

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Hi I’m Jecca!

1 Jul


sippingIf you are reading this I thankyou for checking out our blog!

I am a 21 year old from Gold Coast, Australia, who is travelling and living in Canada. Graduating university last year, I realised I wanted nothing to do with what I had been studying and jetsetted off for new experiences and a new appreciation.

My love for coffee is excessive; and anything sweet. When I am not making, drinking or thinking about coffee, I am writing stories or eating… My love for food is embarrassing! I love the snow, the colour red and online shopping. A known fact about me is that I wish I lived in the 1950s, and my favourite TV show is ‘I Love Lucy’.

As much as Lights and I will be doing a little bit of everything, I will mostly be writing for the travel section, here at The Twenty Somethings, but you will see my name all over the place!

We hope you enjoy reading our blog and the new posts we will be bringing to you each week! 🙂

– Jecca

Mountain/Downhill Biking

1 Jul

Adrenaline pumping.
Calves burning.
Forehead sweating.
Hands gripping for life on those handle bars.

Mountain and Downhill Biking.

You definitely have to have some guts…and recommend safety equipment for these sports. There have been many an accident and broken bones because of this sport… going over the handlebars appears to be the most common… But if you can stay on the bike, these sports are endless fun!

If you are confused, mountain biking is going up the hill, and downhill is about going down the hill. Mountain biking usually requires a lot more leg strength and physical fitness. The main goal is to get to the top of the mountain in good time. Downhill biking is all about the journey downhill. If you are going to a riding mountain, you chuck your bike on a lift and it takes you up to the top. Downhill is about riding over the rocks, and doing jumps and balancing on tight bridges. It does require a little bit fast-thinking and skill…and yes some physical fitness.

Apart from the whole….breaking your bones “thing”, the downside to this sport; is that it kind of requires you to have a bit of saved up dosh in that back pocket. The bikes are about a grand, and the equipment will cost you close to another thousand once you get fully set up. But once you are set up, you don’t have much to pay for in terms of upkeep. Of course, if you are just giving this a try, hiring is always an option!


Both sports are amazing fun and can be done pretty much anywhere in the world…the only catch is you need some sort of mountain to do it on…because doing “mountain biking” on a flat area…is probably going to be a mission…. Mountain biking, you just really need a bike and a helmet. As for downhill biking, this sport is popular across North America and parts of Europe. They transform particular ski hills into downhill bike areas. Whistler and Kicking Horse in British Columbia, Canada, are two fantastic hills that have paths for all skill types and made to cater for both sports.

So for summer….THIS SPORT IS IN and on the Bucket List.


Canmore and Banff

1 Jul

IN or OUT.
But why?


Boardwalk, Canmore

           Canmore and Banff, a fifteen to twenty minute drive apart (depending on how you drive) are ideal summer locations. Located in Alberta, Canada, both towns triple in size through summer demonstrating that this is the season they come alive. With the flowers in bloom, the wildlife everywhere, the smells of summer and the sound of the train, you know that these towns have kicked into gear.

            Mountain bike season opening in the last weekend of June starts off the summer activities, with the school kids starting summer break not long after. The outdoor free manmade lake in Canmore is in full swing. The water still possesses an icy tinge, but living in a valley, it has to be expected.

          Both Banff and Canmore are 360 degrees surrounded by mouth gaping views of the mountains. The endless number of hikes between the two places will have you walking until your feet fall off. If you are looking to spot the local wildlife, you are more likely to see it in Banff…because it is in a National Park! Just be aware you will have to pay for a National Park pass for the day. But there are common sightings of black bears, elk, deer, and the occasional grizzly. So invest in the 40 dollars to buy the bear spray! There have been a few cougar sightings, but trust me, its not an animal you want to see… Just lucky to live to tell the tale. But it is not like you will not see the wildlife in Canmore. Elk and deer are commonly on the sides of the roads, and there is a black bear whose home is just outside of town. Just be camera ready!


Banff River, Banff

           If you the adventurous type there are the opportunities for rafting, mountain and downhill biking. In Canmore, there is one trail called “The Reclaimer”. Only for the brave. It has claimed the bones of many and if the hospital heard you were mountain biking, it’s the first place they ask that claimed you. Of course, not all are for the brave. Both places have multiple tracks for both age groups. Canmore also has ‘Elevation Place’. A recent development that has rock-climbing, swimming, and a place to workout; perfect place to use any reserved energy.

         Banff is the tourist destination of the two. It is designed for tourists, and you will notice this the moment you walk down main street. The street is lined with souvenir shops ready for you to buy memorabilia of all types. It is a lot easier to find a souvenir shop than it is to find the grocery store… If you want a more family oriented area, Canmore is the place. It is a more settled and established area that has more cafes than souvenir shops. That is not to say that being a tourist destination is a bad thing. Banff Gondola takes you up Sulphur Mountain to let you see another breathtaking view of the Rockies.

         Recently surviving the devastating Alberta Floods last month, these towns prove how strong they are and how much they don’t even let natural disasters stop them. They have or are rebuilding everything as fast as they can, and the amount of volunteers that have surfaced was amazing.

          So with all the activities and adventure that can be created for an indivdual, a group of friends of a family; Canmore and Banff are definitely “in right now”!

– Jecca