Tag Archives: motivation

Check It Out

2 Nov

Just by chance I came across this post a friend of mine had shared on her Facebook called ‘…because I’m a twentysomething’.
It’s from a blog called Today Was Meaningful created by Jessica.


Just reading it made me feel not so alone, like someone else got me and what it’s like to be a twenty something. I found myself smiling reading this, I hope it makes you smile too.


– Lights x


For When You Are Feeling Like You Are Losing…

11 Oct

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing- that’s why we recommend it daily.

– Zig Ziglar

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20 Sep


Dream Destinations!

29 Jul

Imagine if you could travel the world without worrying how much the flight will cost or how much the accommodation will be!

How amazing would that be?

Now for a very few lucky and privileged people, this is their reality… buuuut for the rest of us, we can only dream. *siiiiiigh* Here are some ‘not so typical’ dream destinations where the prices are ridiculous and the luxury is bursting from the seams!

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